I am currently accepting new patients into my 15 Weeks Back to Wellness Program. We begin with The Root Cause Review visit to get to know you, understand your health concerns, review where you’ve been on the journey to this point, and arrive at a clear plan on how to attain your wellness goals.
Our program includes specialized testing, clinical-grade supplements, medical visits, nutrition counseling, spiritual and lifestyle design.
We can work together whether in person or virtual.
If you are ready to stop the struggle and dis-ease, get answers and overcome the roadblocks keeping you from vitality, joy, and purpose, please complete the form below or phone us to set up an appointment.
15 weeks
You’ve sensed something is “off” for a while now. Labs and tests come back “normal," but deep inside you know something isn't right. When you join this program, you’ll get a customized road map for sustaining and maintaining your health through a personalized healing plan. Together, we'll help you rediscover your health and nurture your body through functional, natural, and opportune medicine that is sure to help you redefine your overall wellness. Our goal is to help you get to the root of it all.
I can help with...
• Women’s Hormonal Imbalance
• Adrenal Fatigue
• Weight Gain
• Hashimoto’s & Thyroid Disorders
• Energy Depletion
• Stress & Anxiety
• Sleep Issues
• Digestive Disorders
• Adult Acne & Skin Rashes
• Excessive Hair Loss
• Pain & Inflammation
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Chronic Disease Prevention
If you would like to request an appointment, whether in person or virtual, please follow the link below or call (270) 398-8898.

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